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My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文

時間:2024-05-07 09:12:24 宇濤 大學(xué)英語作文 我要投稿
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My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文(精選15篇)

  在日復(fù)一日的學(xué)習(xí)、工作或生活中,大家都有寫作文的經(jīng)歷,對作文很是熟悉吧,作文是人們以書面形式表情達(dá)意的言語活動。你知道作文怎樣寫才規(guī)范嗎?以下是小編收集整理的My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文,供大家參考借鑒,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文(精選15篇)

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 1

  Mr Shao taught me English when I was in Senior Three.With the bald head and hunchback, the fifty or some man distinguished himself from his counterparts in many ways.

  He was so addicted to tobacco that he couldnt even skip acigarette in the corridor at the interval between two classes. Due to the long time consumption of cigarettes, his teeth had gone totally bad and occasionally let off unpleasant smell which really disturbed us when we were talking to him. At times, he came to recognize it and consequently found out a solution. He suggested we write down our problems and he answer them in the written form. Although I knew all along that he was a careful man, his quotations of five different dictionaries on a single multiple choice problem was still beyond my wildest dream.

  Whats more, none of us could imagine how excellent his ancient Chinese literature was. What he tended to do in his class was to recite several segments of the famous ancient prose and then put them into English. However, under the pressure of College Entrance Exam, the students didnt seem to be so interested in his performance. Therefore, he tried to stimulate the class by editions of Times as prizes for answering questions. It worked on us instantly.

  On the day of the entrance exam, he waited nervously with us out of the examination room. He kept reminding us not to drink water in case that we would feel like going to toilet during the exam. Not withstanding his constant claims that we students were far less important than his beloved daughter, we did feel his devotion to us.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 2

  I remember when I came to this school, I didnt know anything about English. The reason for this was because in the past, that school always passed notes to my classmates. Make a face at the teacher. So I always take the "egg" exam.

  My parents heard that the teaching quality in Xiangjun is good, so they forced me to enter this school. The first time in English class, the teacher used various games to enhance our interest in English and enhance the classroom atmosphere. Watching everyone talking and laughing, I also integrated into it, learning and playing at the same time. Why not do it? This makes us listen attentively in every class, with the teacher teaching while translating. Seeing everyone raising their hands every time the teacher asked a question, I didnt want to be outdone and boldly raised my heavy hand. This time, I never expected that since I answered correctly. I am immensely proud and proud, this is the first time in history. In the future, I will boldly raise my hand and actively ask the questions raised by the teacher. In class, if I have any questions that I dont understand, I will ask the teacher.

  What moved me the most was once, after evening self-study, I went to the teachers office with questions filled with question marks. I was about to ask the teacher a few questions, and as soon as I entered, I saw the teacher preparing for class, looking for English songs we like to listen to, and correcting homework. A desk full of exercise books, I called out several times to report, but the teacher didnt hear it, which shows the teachers dedication to work.

  Seeing that the teacher didnt respond, I couldnt bear to disturb her work and left. I wonder if the teacher should be too tired to come to class. Surprisingly, the teacher came, and everyone was very sad and saddened to sacrifice their sleep time to correct our homework. How many more classes are there in a day. Its really great. So we must strive to be the first and not let the teacher worry about us.

  Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people, a drop of waters kindness, unforgettable for life

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 3

  Teacher Li is an English teacher. She has a pair of bright and lively big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a articulate mouth.

  One time during an exam, my situation really matched the sentence "If you know, dont take it. If you dont, you wont do it." As time ran out, I felt that my test paper couldnt be blank. Even if I was confused, I could always get one or two questions right! So, I used my last minute to do my best to scribble in the blank space of the test paper. The bell rang and the teacher said, "The roll has been rolled up." My palms were sweating from anxiety.

  A few days later, the test papers were distributed, and Teacher Li asked me to go to the office. I thought to myself: its definitely over now, Teacher Li may not be able to criticize me how! I walked cautiously to the office, but she not only did not criticize me, but also patiently helped me analyze the reasons for my wrong answers, taught me the methods to solve problems, and warmly encouraged me. This moved me very much and increased my confidence. I decided to go back home and review this exam paper again, so that I can concentrate on listening in class in the future.

  Its time for the exam again. That day, Teacher Li glanced at me and handed out the test paper without saying anything. I worked diligently on the exam paper and finally found the key words to write step by step according to the method taught by the teacher. Coincidentally, as soon as I finished writing, the teacher said, "I have collected the paper." I confidently handed the paper to the teachers hand, and the teacher cast a gentle gaze at me, as if implying something to me!

  At noon, when I went to the office to hand in my Chinese homework, I saw Teacher Li using his lunch break to finish revising the exam paper. In the second class of the afternoon, Teacher Li handed out my test paper. When I handed it out, the teacher smiled at me with satisfaction and surprisingly exceeded the average score. I was very excited in my heart. After distributing the exam papers, Teacher Li said a sentence: "Teachers will praise students who do well and encourage students who do not perform well, but never scold them." This sentence deeply moved me.

  Teacher Li is a good teacher who is loved by everyone. I think I will never forget her!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 4

  I met our English teacher today - Teacher Ning. Teacher Ning is like one of our older sisters. She is short, chubby, with very white skin and long hair. She has an outgoing personality, speaks warmly, and has very rich body language. It may seem gentle, but it is actually very strict. We are not allowed to do things that we are not allowed to do in class, such as not drinking water, not interrupting when the teacher is speaking, not whispering when the teacher is speaking, not picking our nose, and not biting our nails. If anyone dares to violate the rules that Teacher Ning has said, they will be criticized very shamelessly by the teacher. If you drink water in class, the teacher will immediately throw the water bottle out the window.

  But after all, teachers are teachers. Teachers are very reasonable people. If you are not naughty, teachers will not criticize you, you have not made mistakes, and teachers will not let you lose face. The English teacher said, "If you respect me, I will respect you." The respect we give to the teacher is to speak boldly, answer questions actively, and raise hands actively, which is also what Teacher Ning said.

  Teacher Ning has very special requirements for us, unlike other teachers. His requirements for us are as follows: as long as you speak boldly, listen attentively, and actively raise your hand to answer questions, you are the best student in the teachers mind.

  I have decided to listen well to my English teacher in my future classes, follow their instructions, and not be criticized by them.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 5

  New grade, new environment, new teachers. Each of them makes us feel novel, and among them, the teacher who left the deepest impression on me is our English teacher.

  A pair of big eyes, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of the nose, and a never stopping, agile mouth. This possesses all the characteristics of a teachers appearance.

  The first time we met you, everyone thought your class was quite interesting, making people feel less tired than before and very relaxed. So we all started talking quietly, but it grew louder and almost drowned out your voice. You patted the podium heavily, and when our voices disappeared, you said slowly, "My temper is not very good, and I also dont like to get angry. You better not deliberately provoke me!" After listening to the teachers words, our class suddenly quieted down. The teacher saw that we were not speaking, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised. In the following period, we were all very calm and listened attentively in class.

  Once, our English teacher asked us to write silently and gave us two days to prepare. After the silence, we made so many mistakes that we made the English teacher angry and cry. Some students memorized sixteen words and only got one right. Class is over, and you walked in crying with your English dictation book. As soon as we all saw you crying, the classroom suddenly became quiet, and we could even hear a needle drop on the ground. You poured out your heart in class, crying while speaking. Some students felt sorry for you and cried along with you. This crying not only felt guilty but also moved.

  Your young body cannot withstand this blow. We have realized our mistake, and everyone is working hard to change it. This incident has also made everyone deeply in love with you!

  Our English teacher is a very responsible and humorous teacher, (really) a good teacher!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 6

  "Good morning, teacher." This is the first sentence we say to that young and elegant female teacher every day. She teaches us English, hence her nickname "Eagle". Thinking about the days we spent together, it was both love and hate, fear and respect.

  When we were in the first year of junior high school, she had just graduated from college and was just a child, so she enjoyed playing with us.

  She often plays around with us, and sometimes she can be quite aggressive. I cant remember why, anyway, she pinched my ear for a whole ten minutes that time. Whats even more hateful is that she said while pinching, shaking, and only pitied my ear. During breaks, we love to play with her keys. Lets play, the key will be lost. She couldnt find the key, so she searched around, asked around, and asked this and that. Haha, shes really stupid, the key is in her pocket!

  Once, as class was about to begin, she walked into the classroom with a book in her arms as she had just changed her hairstyle. A boy shouted, "Ah, beautiful woman!" Despite her usual lively and cheerful demeanor, she lowered her head and smiled. From her bewildered expression, I could see her shy side.

  So, its better to say shes our teacher than to say shes our big friend. But this doesnt mean she indulges us, because when we dont finish our homework on time, when we dont listen well in class, if she shouts, her 80 decibel soprano makes us dare not even speak out loud.

  Her English class is very enjoyable, and she often takes us to play games during class, so we all fall in love with her class. She likes to play pop music to us during breaks, saying it helps us relax our tense nerves. Her English is great, translating an article is as simple as counting it. Unfortunately, my English has never been very good and I have hardly passed the exam. She hopes I can learn well and always helps me with tutoring. Actually, I also really want to learn English well and make sure that the time she spends on me is not in vain. Unfortunately, every time there is an exam, the situation is not optimistic.

  Now, as the middle school entrance exam approaches, she no longer organizes us to play games, but instead sends us a set of middle school entrance exam questions. At this moment, she was holding chalk, speaking on the podium and writing on the blackboard. I know, she speaks English, she writes about hope, and I, in English class, stumbled upon this essay and couldnt help but write it.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 7

  I used to think that English teachers were very dishonest, but now I dont think so.

  Remember last semester, we had an English class. Because the English teacher was going to attend the class, she arranged homework for us to do. However, she was afraid of making too much noise, so she asked the English class representative to manage the discipline. Whoever violated the discipline would do the homework 30 times, and we all obediently did it. However, as soon as the English teacher left, the mischievous boys in our class started arguing. The class representative remembered their names and asked them to stay quiet, otherwise they would show the teacher the list. But those few people will listen there Continuing to argue, the class representative became angry and said, "If you calm down, I will draw out your names." One of the boys said, "Who do you think you are? Besides, the teacher is just talking, its not true.". After finishing speaking, we continued to argue. When class was about to end, the teacher came back and picked up the list to look at it. He said to us, "If one person makes a mistake in the class, the whole class will be punished together.". As soon as the teacher finished speaking, we discussed how to do this. Its not our fault. We didnt argue, why should we be punished? Its unfair to hear them say that. I was also very angry and kept thinking to myself, why is the teacher so dishonest? Isnt it agreed to only punish those who violate discipline?? Why punish all of us in the class again? Its unfair.

  I finally understand now that the teacher just wants us to know that we cant violate discipline again next time.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 8

  My English teachers surname is Chen, and she is a well-known strict teacher. At the age of over fifty, I am almost retired, but still full of vitality. Whenever you look at her, she always looks full of energy and energy. I like Teacher Chen.

  Teacher Chens melon seed face is adorned with a pair of bright big eyes, and a pair of nearsighted glasses are placed on the high bridge of her nose, indicating that she has a wealth of knowledge.

  Once during an exercise, I made a mistake with a multiple-choice question. This question has a question and answer process, and the chosen line is within the question. Therefore, I corrected the previous question and handed it over to Teacher Chen. In no time, Teacher Chen called me over and said seriously, "Correct the sentence below as well." I was puzzled. The selected horizontal line was in the first sentence, and there was no selected horizontal line in the second sentence. Why bother correcting the second sentence as well?

  I went to ask Teacher Chen, and she pointed to the question and said to me earnestly, "You see, the second sentence is the basis for the answer to the first sentence. The reason you chose the wrong answer is because you didnt read the second sentence carefully. You think, if there wasnt a second sentence, not all four answers could be chosen in this question! What kind of multiple-choice question is that? I did this to help you develop good study habits, you know?" I suddenly realized and finally understood Teacher Chens good intentions. If I had some understanding, I nodded.

  Teacher Chen not only has extremely high expectations for us in our studies, but also cares about our extracurricular life. He often organizes us to go hiking, traveling, and so on.

  This summer, some students followed Teacher Chen to Xinjiang for a trip. She showed us many beautiful photos: towering mountains, romantic lavender, calm Sailimu Lake, and enthusiastic local people... We were mesmerized by the sight.

  This is my English teacher, Teacher Chen. I like her.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 9

  My English teacher is a foreign teacher from the United States. She is a black person named Crystal. She has a pair of big eyes, a straight nose, thick lips, black skin, and most importantly, her hair. Every time she goes to class, she changes into a different and strange hairstyle. Today, she has a cloud like hairstyle again. As soon as she steps into the classroom, I see it and almost laugh my front teeth out!

  She always talks endlessly in class, but she speaks all in English. At first, we couldnt understand it, but later we gradually understood it because she would occasionally say one or two Chinese sentences, such as "What does this mean?" "You can read it."

  Although Crystals class may sometimes be difficult to understand, we still enjoy her classes because she often uses small games to help us learn new words and gain new knowledge through playing. I really like my foreign English teacher!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 10

  Ms. Sun was originally our science teacher in sixth grade, but due to some special reasons, she became our English teacher.

  The atmosphere of Teacher Suns classroom is still very relaxed, and we can also integrate well into the classroom. Sometimes, some students may wander in class, and she wont blame them like Teacher Wang did. Instead, she uses jokes like "black humor" to remind these students. Ms. Suns class is not boring at all. She often uses the knowledge learned in class to help us learn and benefit from it. Sometimes when we learn a knowledge point, we will engage in dialogue exercises. We practice dictation every day, and in this process, we also apply the knowledge points we have learned to make sentences and learn how to apply them. This learning method has greatly improved our oral and written test scores, and has benefited us greatly.

  Teacher Sun is also a very serious teacher. Our homework often has many small details that are not correct, but her keen eyes can always pinpoint every small mistake in the homework. Once in my homework, some letters were not capitalized, and I didnt pay much attention to them myself. So, Teacher Sun circled them. I only realized it under the teachers reminder. I dont pay much attention to these small details, but under the supervision of Teacher Sun, I gradually began to pay attention to details and become a person who pays attention to details. Thank you, teacher!

  Although this teacher only accompanies us for one semester and our time together is not very long, I can still feel that she is a good teacher. The learning methods and habits we bring will benefit us for a lifetime!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 11

  Since entering high school, my English grades have declined a bit noticeably.

  You should know that during the middle school entrance examination, my English score was considered high, and among many subjects, I also had a preference for Chinese and English.

  I have seriously considered the reason, but the result has left me a bit stunned. Its because I dont really like our high school English teacher.

  As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. In fact, perhaps in the eyes of others, our English teacher is quite good. She is a thin and black middle-aged woman, not tall. If it werent for standing on the podium, you would definitely not associate her with the profession of a teacher.

  Perhaps some people think its the image that influences our preferences, but I think it should be an English accent. Compared to the thick and standardized bass of a middle school English teacher, how do you feel about this female teachers awkward speaking.

  Although the middle school English teacher is also a short middle-aged man, his voice is very pleasant to listen to. Listening to him speak English makes people feel a pleasure, and there is a learning enthusiasm to speak fluent English like him.

  But this female teacher does make people lose their enthusiasm for learning. Watching her work hard on writing grammar on the blackboard, I think at least she is also a very hardworking person.

  Perhaps we cannot give ourselves the reason to back down due to external interference. Whether we love learning or not, the most crucial thing is to rely on ourselves. Some people can achieve good grades by self-study, let alone we have English to teach.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 12

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Teacher Liu has been teaching us English for over three years.

  The English teacher often wears a ponytail, glasses, big eyes, a tall and straight nose, fair skin, and looks very beautiful. When you smile, its even more charming.

  In the classroom, the teacher often jokes with us and plays English games. In the classroom, there is also constant laughter.

  Although we have repeatedly angered the teacher and disappointed their expectations of us. But the teacher forgives us time and time again, cheers us on, and helps us regain hope.

  Sometimes, the teacher gets angry and talks a lot to us. Seeing the teachers sad face, we are also sad and upset. Teacher, Fang abandoned us, but the teacher abandoned Class 51 because he liked our class too much.

  Whenever the teacher has free time, she tells us her childhood stories. We envy her very much. Tigers childhood is full of fun, and we can also hear from the teachers tone that she wants to go back to her childhood.

  We will not disappoint the teachers expectations of us. We will work hard and make the teacher proud of us!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 13

  I have a humorous and witty English teacher, Teacher Xian.

  Teacher Xian has short hair and small but bright eyes. Slim in stature, always walking with a straight head and chest, giving people a feeling of energy and energy.

  Teacher Xian always makes boring English letters witty and funny in class, adds a touch of humor to simple praise, and enables students to learn knowledge in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

  I remember one time, when the class bell rang, we were still talking. Teacher Xian came in, and our originally noisy class suddenly became completely silent. As soon as we entered, Teacher Xian opened the computer and began teaching us with great interest. Suddenly, Teacher Xian snapped his fingers. With a smile, he said, "Now I have a question for you, I have books. Whats wrong with this sentence?" Many students eagerly raised their hands. Teacher Xian looked around and said, "Then please ask this student to answer." I watched as Teacher Xian pointed at my big hand and my heart tightened. Teacher Xian smiled and raised an eyebrow at me. I had to stand up and say, "Remove the s because theres an a in front of it." The teacher smiled happily and said, "Its completely correct!" After a moment of pause, Teacher Xian continued, "Everyone, this s looks like a snake, and this a is like a little tadpole with a tail. The tadpole is the child of a frog. Of course, it cant be friends with snakes anymore, so when you see this a, there can be no more s behind it."

  This class is really lively! Although this English class was brief, it sparked our interest in English and also filled us with confidence in learning!

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 14

  My English teacher is kind, but sometimes very aggressive. She is very strict with us.

  For some reason, from the first time I saw her, I felt that she was not an ordinary person, with a spirit worth learning from. Since then, I have made up my mind to learn that spirit.

  The English teacher is not short, tall. Her skin is a bit dark, and there are a few dark circles on her face. That should be her contribution to our care and education. And her short hair makes her look more energetic. What I admire the most is her Sun Wukongs fiery and golden eyes, and no one can escape her magic.

  During class, she is also very serious and often stops to help us understand better. She is more strict with herself than with us, and cannot tolerate any mistakes. She often educates us that "time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a shuttle. If we dont make good use of time now, we wont regret it in the future. We should learn to cherish existing opportunities and not let them go." She also often says, "Seize the present, and seize the future."

  When the teacher is happy, she will use some Minnan language to talk about those who are not serious in class and make small gestures. For example, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. These words are not humorous, but there is a sense of humor when spoken from her mouth.

  In fact, the teacher may seem strict on the surface, but she is very kind and caring about her students in the heart. I remember one time, my desk mate didnt come to school because her alarm clock was broken. She quickly called my desk mates parents to ask, because my desk mate always wakes up to school on her own, so her parents didnt know. Later, they found out that the teachers anxious heart finally calmed down. Thank you, teacher, for your contribution to us.

  My English Teacher-我的英語老師作文 15

  A slender figure, melon seed face, and a pair of bright and lively big eyes below the curved eyebrows. She is our English teacher.

  Some teachers, due to their love for students, often give very harsh criticism when students make mistakes. But since the English teacher took over our class, I have never seen her furious when students make mistakes. However, on the contrary, she will patiently inquire about the process, use a few words in a gentle voice to make you suddenly enlightened, realize your mistake, and finally have a relaxed face.

  Some "nail households" in the class always refuse to hand in their homework. Whenever we class cadres ask them for homework, they refuse in every way, either not bringing it or losing it. After reporting these frustrating situations to the English teacher, they came up with a "good solution" to cure their "strange illness". During class, the English teacher said, "I heard that some students in our class dont like to hand in homework, so I came up with a good solution." She continued, "Now, there is only one way in front of you. Take time today to do the English homework in ten English characters and hand it over to the class representative. If I know who didnt hand it in today, then our homework will double and we will do it in twenty English characters." Of course, those students only opened their mouths and thought they were unlucky. Strangely, from then on, there were significantly fewer students who didnt like to submit homework.

  I remember one time, a classmate fell asleep in class due to lack of sleep (as can be clearly seen from his eyes). Suddenly, the noisy laughter came to an abrupt end, and waves of reading echoed. The student seemed to feel that the situation was not right in a daze, and immediately took off the book covering his face, only to realize that the English teacher had already stood in front of him. The classmate was first taken aback, then his face turned red. The English teacher didnt speak, just looked at the student with his eyes, as if saying, "Lets start reading. Sit down quickly, dont sleep anymore." The student immediately rubbed his eyes, sat upright, and began reading.

  This is our English teacher.

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